
6 Stats You Need to Know About
Small Business Cybersecurity

If you run a small business, protecting that business is your top priority.

Now, more than any other time in history, cyber attacks are among the greatest threats to any business. And you might be surprised to find out just how often small businesses are the targets of those cyber attacks.

In order to arm yourself with the best cybersecurity for small business, you must first understand what you're up against.

Cyber Criminals are Targeting Small Businesses

Stat #1: 42% of small businesses experienced a cyber attack over a 12-month span.

A 2021 AdvisorSmith survey
of more than 1,100 small businesses revealed that 42% fell victim to a cyber attack over the previous year. And according to Accenture, small businesses were the target of 43% of all cyber attacks.

Stat #2: 88% of small business owners feel they're vulnerable to an attack, according to a Small Business Administration survey.

Cyber criminals have discovered that many small businesses are easy targets for ransomware and other cyber attacks.

Small Businesses Aren't Prepared to Combat Cyber Attacks

Stat #3: 47% of businesses with 50 or fewer employees have no cybersecurity budget whatsoever.

Small businesses are failing to properly account for rising cybersecurity threats. As noted by Corvus Insurance
, just under half of businesses with up to 50 employees are allocating $0 to cybersecurity.

Stat #4: 42% of SMB owners have no cyber attack response plan.

What will you do when your small business falls victim to a cyber attack? According to a 2021 CNBC survey
, 42% of small business owners said they had no plan at all for a cyber attack, and another 11% noted they were "not sure" if their business had a plan in place.

The Cost of a Cyber Attack Is Often Irreparable

Stat #5: 40% of small businesses that experience a cyber attack lose critical data.

Losing critical data can cripple your business. That's why it's so concerning that two-fifths of all small businesses that experience a cyber attack end up losing critical data, according to BullGuard.

Stat #6: When successfully attacked, 50% of small businesses took at least 24 hours to resume business as normal.

What would 24 hours of downtime do to your bottom line? What about the trust your customers or clients have in your business? The same BullGuard report noted that half of small businesses who fall victim to cyber attacks need at least a full day to recover.

Obtaining the Best Cybersecurity for Small Business Is Paramount

To properly protect your small business from cyber attacks, you shouldn't settle for a generic cybersecurity solution from one of the big providers.

You need the secure cloud infrastructure trusted by the Department of Defense.