
3 Key Cybersecurity
Trends of 2022

Cybersecurity and cyber threats are ever-evolving. They’re like living, breathing organisms that transform and adapt to innovative tech and novel strategies.

So, like a medical physician staying up to date on the newest medicines and treatments, small businesses must stay abreast of the changes happening regularly within the world of cybersecurity.

But you don’t have to do so alone!

We’re here to guide you through the three key cybersecurity trends of 2022…

Trend #1: Mobile Security Threats Continue to Climb

According to Reader’s Digest, more than 60% of digital fraud can be traced to mobile devices. Those threats include phishing attacks, stolen passwords, spyware, malicious apps, and beyond.

As you can imagine, mobile devices are prime targets for cyber criminals.

Your phone could be the gateway to your banking info, credit card numbers, sensitive data, and more.

To battle back, think twice before connecting to open Wifi networks that don’t use encryptions or require passwords.

And in addition to regularly updating your passwords, think about updating your devices. Your phone might be too old to receive regular security updates from manufacturers, which could be putting you at greater risk.

Trend #2: Multi-Factor Authentication

Unauthorized access to accounts has long been a consistent problem when it comes to a business’ or platform’s security.

So, it’s a bit shocking that it’s taken the world so long to mass-adopt multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Finally, it’s becoming the norm, with the financial technology (FinTech) sector leading the way.

You’ve likely noticed the uptick in MFA yourself, as you’re forced to enter a code or somehow verify your identity after entering your username and password to enter a platform.

Why? Because it works.

So, consider upgrading your business’ security with multi-factor authentication.

Trend #3: Stricter Cybersecurity Restrictions & Regulations

As cyber criminals continue to innovate, and as cyber tech continues to evolve just about every day, both companies and the government are tightening their security requirements to safeguard themselves.

So, what do stricter security restrictions and regulations mean for your business?

Well, this will likely make it that much more difficult to obtain contracts or partnerships with large companies and government agencies.

Put simply, there will be more hoops to jump through.

But that will also thin the field of competitors vying for government contracts or B2B partnerships.

So, those able to meet those stringent security requirements will have a more direct path toward success.

Luckily for those interested in obtaining government contracts, CyMyCloud
is specifically engineered to help your company’s security satisfy the strict requirements the federal government has for its small business contractors.